Thursday 22 December 2016

Java Introduction

History of Java

             To understand the Java one must understand the reason reason behind the creation of it and what is the need to create Java.There are lots of  computer programming languages that come before Java but the Java is a language of combination of all the best elements come from languages before java also Java has become a inseparably linked with the online environment of internet. Java is related with C and C++. Most of the concepts of Java are taken from this two languages. The syntax of Java is taken from C and most of the object oriented features are taken from C++. Also the creation of Java is rooted in the process of refinement and adaptions that occurs in the programming languages for the past some decades. 
                  As we know the each renovation in language design was taken from the need of solving fundamental problems that are not solved by old programming languages. James Gosling,Patrick Noughton,Chris Warst,Ed Frank and Mike sheridan creates Java in Sun Microsystem in 1991. Eighteen months were taken from them to create first working version of Java. The first version of Java is named as "Oak" but it was renamed in 1995 as "Java". The main purpose of creation of Java was not internet. It was created for the need of platform independent language that could be used in various electronic devices such as microwave ovens and remote control equipment. Before the invention of Java the CPU's are controlled by using the C and C++ for that there is need of full C++ compilers. The problem is that this compilers are very expensive and time consuming to create. To overcome this  problem Gosling and other began to create a platform independent language which use to produce code that will run on various types of CPU's under different environments.

The Java Buzzwords

1) Simple

              Java is designed to be easy and understand by the professional programmers to learn and use it efficiently. Assume that if a person has no experience in programming language that person also not find that Java is hard to understand.


           Java contains a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is an interpretation which is installed in each client system that is updated with latest security updates by internet when a byte-code is executed the JVM can take care of security.


           Java is portable because it contains a specific JVM to run there byte-codes on various operating systems and also we can say that the Java applet is can downloaded and run on any of the system and it can be run by using JVM that creates a byte-code to run.


         Java is robust it can be run on any kind of operating system and also it has a feature of automatic memory management and garbage collection. The Java also has strong checking mechanism it also help it in making it robust.


            Java supports multi-threaded programming that makes it allows you  to write a program that do many things at a same time or simultaneously.

6)Object Oriented

            Java is Object Oriented language because we cannot define anything in Java without declaring a class and class contains objects so the Java is object oriented language.

7)Architecture Neutral 

         This means that a program which is written on any operating system can be run on any operating system any time any where there is no restrictions about manufacturer of machine or operating system.


             Java designed for distributed environment of the internet because it handles TCP/IP protocol. In fact accessing an URL is not much more different than accessing an file. Java also support the feature of RMI (Remote Method Invocation). This feature enables the program to access methods from network.


           Java is dynamic because the source-code in Java is converted by JVM to Byte-code and after that the Byte-code is run on the system. This shows anything happened on run time is considered as dynamic.