Sunday, 11 October 2015


                                Data Mining is the process of making data accessible for various users from data warehouse. while collecting data in a data warehouse it is very important to make that data usable for all the peoples who need that data.the data which is stored in data warehouse is all about the statistical analysis and all experiences abut an organization so this type of data is very important for new business mans.

Process Of Data Mining

                                      The above diagram shows all the stages including in data mining process.This stages are illustrated below:-
Stage 1- Selection
                         This stage is includes all selection process regarding data that is to be selected for further processing as per requirement from the data warehouse.It does not contain any personal information about any organization but it should contain all business regarding information.
Stage 2-Preprocessing
                         This sage is second stage of data mining process it includes all sorting of data in particular parts as per requirement and transfer data to next stage.
Stage 3-Transformation
                         This is third stage of data mining process it transforms data for further processing of data mining.
Stage 4-Data Mining
                         This includes process of sorting of all data in various patterns as it is needed to access by a user. It also arrange data under various topics or taglines as it is convenient to accessed by users.
Stage 5-Interpreation And Evaluation
                         This stage take care of all the collected data to be present in the form of knowledge in front of users. Knowledge is shared by this last stage of data mining process.

Techniques of data mining
                      There are various techniques of data mining that are listed below.This techniques are mostly used in data mining process :-
1. Decision Tree
2. Association
3. Classification
4. Clustering
5. Prediction
6. Sequential Pattern